145 research outputs found

    Thermoplasmonic effect of surface enhanced infrared absorption in vertical nanoantenna arrays

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    Thermoplasmonics is a method for increasing temperature remotely using focused visible or infrared laser beams interacting with plasmonic nanoparticles. Here, local heating induced by mid-infrared quantum cascade laser illumination of vertical gold-coated nanoantenna arrays embedded into polymer layers is investigated by infrared nanospectroscopy and electromagnetic/thermal simulations. Nanoscale thermal hotspot images are obtained by a photothermal scanning probe microscopy technique with laser illumination wavelength tuned at the different plasmonic resonances of the arrays. Spectral analysis indicates that both Joule heating by the metal antennas and surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) by the polymer molecules located in the apical hotspots of the antennas are responsible for thermoplasmonic resonances, i.e. for strong local temperature increase. At odds with more conventional planar nanoantennas, the vertical antenna structure enables thermal decoupling of the hotspot at the antenna apex from the heat sink constituted by the solid substrate. The temperature increase was evaluated by quantitative comparison of data obtained with the photothermal expansion technique to the results of electromagnetic/ thermal simulations. In the case of strong SEIRA by the C=O bond of poly-methylmethacrylate at 1730 cm-1, for focused mid-infrared laser power of about 20 mW, the evaluated order of magnitude of the nanoscale temperature increase is of 10 K. This result indicates that temperature increases of the order of hundreds of K may be attainable with full mid-infrared laser power tuned at specific molecule vibrational fingerprints

    Thermoplasmonic effect of surface enhanced infrared absorption in vertical nanoantenna arrays

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    Thermoplasmonics is a method for increasing temperature remotely using focused visible or infrared laser beams interacting with plasmonic nanoparticles. Here, local heating induced by mid-infrared quantum cascade laser illumination of vertical gold-coated nanoantenna arrays embedded into polymer layers is investigated by infrared nanospectroscopy and electromagnetic/thermal simulations. Nanoscale thermal hotspot images are obtained by a photothermal scanning probe microscopy technique with laser illumination wavelength tuned at the different plasmonic resonances of the arrays. Spectral analysis indicates that both Joule heating by the metal antennas and surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) by the polymer molecules located in the apical hotspots of the antennas are responsible for thermoplasmonic resonances, i.e. for strong local temperature increase. At odds with more conventional planar nanoantennas, the vertical antenna structure enables thermal decoupling of the hotspot at the antenna apex from the heat sink constituted by the solid substrate. The temperature increase was evaluated by quantitative comparison of data obtained with the photothermal expansion technique to the results of electromagnetic/ thermal simulations. In the case of strong SEIRA by the C=O bond of poly-methylmethacrylate at 1730 cm-1, for focused mid-infrared laser power of about 20 mW, the evaluated order of magnitude of the nanoscale temperature increase is of 10 K. This result indicates that temperature increases of the order of hundreds of K may be attainable with full mid-infrared laser power tuned at specific molecule vibrational fingerprints

    Magnetic Control of Transmission and Helicity of Nano-Structured Optical Beams in Magnetoplasmonic Vortex Lenses

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    We theoretically investigate the generation of far-field propagating optical beams with a desired orbital angular momentum by using an archetypical magnetoplasmonic tip surrounded by a gold spiral slit. The use of a magnetic material can lead to important implications once magneto-optical activity is activated through the application of an external magnetic field. The physical model and the numerical study presented here introduce the concept of magnetically tunable plasmonic vortex lens, namely a magnetoplasmonic vortex lens, which ensures a tunable selectivity in the polarization state of the generated nanostructured beam. The presented system provides a promising platform for a localized excitation of plasmonic vortices followed by their beaming in the far-field with an active modulation of both light's transmittance and helicity

    Plasmomechanical Systems: Principles and Applications

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    AbstractExtreme confinement of electromagnetic waves and mechanical displacement fields to nanometer dimensions through plasmonic nanostructures offers unprecedented opportunities for greatly enhanced interaction strength, increased bandwidth, lower power consumption, chip‐scale fabrication, and efficient actuation of mechanical systems at the nanoscale. Conversely, coupling mechanical oscillators to plasmonic nanostructures introduces mechanical degrees of freedom to otherwise static plasmonic structures thus giving rise to the generation of extremely large resonance shifts even for minor position changes. This nanoscale marriage of plasmonics and mechanics has led to the emergence of a new field of study called plasmomechanics that explores the fundamental principles underneath the coupling between light and plasmomechanical nanoresonators. In this review, both the fundamental concepts and applications of plasmomechanics as an emerging field of study are discussed. After an overview of the basic principles of plasmomechanics, the active tuning mechanisms of plasmonic nano‐mechanical systems are extensively analyzed. Moreover, the recent developments on the practical implications of plasmomechanic systems for such applications as biosensing and infrared detection are highlighted. Finally, an outlook on the implications of the plasmomechanical nanosystems for development of point‐of‐care diagnostic devices that can help early and rapid detection of fatal diseases are forwarded

    Aptamer Conformational Dynamics Modulate Neurotransmitter Sensing in Nanopores

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    : Aptamers that undergo conformational changes upon small-molecule recognition have been shown to gate the ionic flux through nanopores by rearranging the charge density within the aptamer-occluded orifice. However, mechanistic insight into such systems where biomolecular interactions are confined in nanoscale spaces is limited. To understand the fundamental mechanisms that facilitate the detection of small-molecule analytes inside structure-switching aptamer-modified nanopores, we correlated experimental observations to theoretical models. We developed a dopamine aptamer-functionalized nanopore sensor with femtomolar detection limits and compared the sensing behavior with that of a serotonin sensor fabricated with the same methodology. When these two neurotransmitters with comparable mass and equal charge were detected, the sensors showed an opposite electronic behavior. This distinctive phenomenon was extensively studied using complementary experimental techniques such as quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, in combination with theoretical assessment by the finite element method and molecular dynamic simulations. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that the sensing behavior of aptamer-modified nanopores in detecting specific small-molecule analytes correlates with the structure-switching mechanisms of individual aptamers. We believe that such investigations not only improve our understanding of the complex interactions occurring in confined nanoscale environments but will also drive further innovations in biomimetic nanopore technologies

    Directional Plasmonic Excitation by Helical Nanotips

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    The phenomenon of coupling between light and surface plasmon polaritons requires specific momentum matching conditions. In the case of a single scattering object on a metallic surface, such as a nanoparticle or a nanohole, the coupling between a broadband effect, i.e., scattering, and a discrete one, such as surface plasmon excitation, leads to Fano-like resonance lineshapes. The necessary phase matching requirements can be used to engineer the light–plasmon coupling and to achieve a directional plasmonic excitation. Here, we investigate this effect by using a chiral nanotip to excite surface plasmons with a strong spin-dependent azimuthal variation. This effect can be described by a Fano-like interference with a complex coupling factor that can be modified thanks to a symmetry breaking of the nanostructure
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